Dates Below Are Year 2003
Note: Dates will be added as the events are
scheduled |
January 23-25 ... Thursday thru Saturday -
SSA, Soaring Society of America, Convention
and Air Sports Expo in Dayton Ohio.
This convention should be very special, with a highlight being a private
reception at the Air Force museum at Wright Patterson Air Force Base.
See SSA Website, |
5-7 ... April Skyout: It will once again be centered at the Wallaby
Ranch flight park 18 miles west southwest of Orlando. I plan to be at the
Ranch April 2-10 and hope to encourage other light soaring aircraft
pilots to join in. Local flying, XC, perhaps badge flight attempts or short
course task flying or just flying for fun. It's always a great time
at the Ranch. Also, EAA's Sun'Fun flyin runs April 2-8 so there's
something fun to do even on a rainy or blown out day. I just returned from
5 days at the Ranch and flew every day, 18 1/2 hours airtime. I've
enclosed a picture of some close
thermalling with a young eagle over the Florida countryside about 24 miles
northwest of Wallaby near Quest Air flight park.
For additional information about the Wallaby
Ranch, local accommodations, directions, or questions about the April Skyout,
contact Steve Arndt at
(see last years event for links)
May 23-26 ... Friday through Monday ... Vintage
Sailplane Association Annual Eastern Regatta Event. Location:
Kutztown Airport, Kutztown, PA. For information contact Dean Kramer
June 20-22 ... SHA Eastern
Workshop, Ridgely Airfield, Ridgely, Maryland.
See new webpage with details
The focus this year is going to be flying lots of homebuilt gliders.
Steve Arndt will finally get to fly his Magic Dragon at a Workshop.
Many people will recall the Carbon
Dragon flights made by Gary Osoba (the single exception to a county
ruling against ultralights flying from Harris Hill). Note: club ships
will be available for anyone who would like to fly. Workshop coordinators
are Dave Hudnut, Al McCarty, Tom Blevins, and Jeff Snyder.
Watch this space for more details. |
August 23rd
- September 1, 2003 ... Saturday thru Monday
Vintage Sailplane Association National Rally. Mountain
Valley Airport, Tehachapi, California USA. This first-ever event will feature
vintage and classic sailplanes flying and on display, tours, barbeques,
speakers, and an El Mirage Dry Lake expedition. Auto and aerotows
available. A great time to get your badges -- SSA observers available
all week! In conjunction with the SHA Western Workshop. Contact
Jeff Byard, VSA President,
or 805-461-0488 |
27 - September 1, 2003 ... Friday thru Monday, Speaker
SHA's 23rd Annual Western Workshop, Mountain Valley Airport,
Tehachapi, California USA. Lectures, demonstrations, sailplanes on
display, plenty of excellent soaring and big air at this soaring site.
Plus, the Woodstock anniversary Reunion and Flyin and many Woodstock-related
activities. For sailplane reservations, tows, etc. contact Skylark
North at Mountain Valley Airport at
661-822-5267. Contact Dan
and Janice Armstrong. Held in conjunction with the Vintage Sailplane
Association National Rally.
by Eric Greenwell re: Western Workshop
October 6-11, 2003...Monday
thru Saturday - Fourth Biennial VSA Antique and Classic Sailplane
Rally. Moriarty, NM, USA. Dates and Events are still tentative.
Coincides with the Albuquerque Balloon Festival less than 30 miles away.
Details soon! Contact George Applebay 505-832-0766,
October 10-11, 2003...Friday thru Saturday
- 2003 SHA Central Division Workshop.
See new webpage with
Moriarty, NM, USA. Dates and Events are still tentative. Coincides
with the Albuquerque Balloon Festival less than 30 miles away. Great
family activity! Details soon! Contact Dennis Olcott 720-875-1460
November 1, 2003 ... 1:00 PM Saturday " Landmark
of Soaring #13" A dedication will be held at the Raspet Flight Research
Laboratory on the Starkville Mississippi Municipal Airport. Following
the dedication an informal panel to include Dr George Bennett, Dr Dave
Lawrence, Bruce Carmichael, Dick Johnson and Mel Swartzberg
will discuss the history and the future of the Laboratory. Dr.
Paul MacCready will be the featured speaker at the Banquet that evening
at the Laboratory. Weather permitting aerotows will be available Friday
and Saturday so sailplanes are welcome.
For more information contact;
Jo McKenzie 662-325-3274
Mary Flaspher 607-734-3128 e-mail:
US Mail:
Raspet Flight Research Laboratory
Attn: Jo McKenzie
114 Airport Rd
Starkville, MS 39759 |
National Soaring Museum
Attn: Mary Flaspher
Harris Hill-51 Soaring Hill Drive
Elmira, New York 14903-9204 |