[Webpage created 1/29/2002, updated 5/4/2003]


ARTICLE I – Name and Purpose

B. Purpose of the Association.  To stimulate interest in sailplane design and construction by homebuilders.  To establish classes, standards, categories, where applicable.  To disseminate information relating to construction techniques, materials, theory and related topics.  To give recognition for noteworthy designs and accomplishments.
C. The Association shall be a non-profit organization incorporated under the laws of the State of California.

ARTICLE II – Membership

A. All persons shall qualify for membership provided they have applied to the Secretary and paid dues in advance.
B. There shall be three classes of membership.

1. MEMBER – Entitled to a full voice in the affairs of the Association.  Entitled to one vote in all elections.
2. STUDENT MEMBER – Same rights as Members
3. LIFE MEMBER – Same rights as Members.  Conferred by the Executive Committee upon any person who, by extraordinary contribution to the aims and interests of the Association, shall be deemed worthy. Life membership shall require a unanimous majority vote by the Executive Committee.
C. All classes of membership shall be entitled to one copy of the Newsletter for the term of membership.
D. Membership shall expire 12 months from the date the application is processed.
E. The Sailplane Homebuilders Association shall maintain at least 67% of its membership as SSA members.  All members shall be vigorously encouraged to hold a current membership in SSA.   All officers shall be SSA members.


A. Membership Dues shall be approved by the Executive Committee and by a majority vote (of those who vote) by members by mail. 
B. Life members shall pay no dues.

ARTICLE IV – Divisions

A. There shall be three Divisions of the Association

1. Eastern Division – Made up of SSA Regions 1,2,3,4,5, and 6, and all Canadian Provinces east of Manitoba.
2. Central Division – Made up of SSA Regions 7 and 10 and the Canadian Provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan.
2. Western Division – Made up of SSA Regions 8,9,11, and 12, and all Canadian Provinces west of Saskatchewan.  Shall also include all of Mexico.

ARTICLE V – Officers

A. Officers of the Association shall consist of President, three Divisional Vice Presidents,  a Secretary and a Treasurer.
B. Nominations and elections of officers.
1. All nominees for elected office shall be current SSA members.
2. Nominations for officers shall be made at a meeting or by mail to the Secretary by October 1st.
3. For Divisional Vice Presidents, the nominee must reside in the Division for which the nomination is made. If there are no nominees brought forth who reside in the Division, the President may appoint a qualified candidate from the general geographic region. 
4. Failing to get nominations, the President and Secretary shall solicit nominations– no later than October 31st.
5. With nominations in, the Secretary shall determine if nominees will consent to having their name(s) on the ballot.
6. A ballot for voting by mail shall be included with the October or November Newsletter following consent by the nominees, or may be sent separate from the Newsletter, at the Secretary’s discretion.
7. Each voting member shall cast one vote for President, one vote for Secretary, one vote for Treasurer, and one vote for each Divisional Vice President.  A member may limit his Vice President vote to a candidate from the Division in which the member resides.
8. Ballots shall be returned to the Secretary  as instructions on the ballot direct.
9. A plurality of valid votes cast shall elect.
C. Terms of elected office shall be for two years, ending on December 31st, or until a successor has been duly elected.
D. Upon retirement from office, the officer shall turn over all funds, records, or other property of the Association.
E. Should a vacancy occur in any elected office, such vacancy shall be filled by an individual assigned by the President and subject to majority approval by the Executive Committee, maintaining residency requirements for Vice Presidents.

ARTICLE VI – Duties of the Officers

A. The President.   Shall preside at Association and Executive Committee meetings.  Shall appoint committees.  Shall perform such other duties as the advancement of the Association may require. Shall, in collaboration with the appropriate Division Vice President, appoint Workshop Chairperson(s).
B. Vice Presidents.  Shall assume primary responsibility for the Division’s workshop, in collaboration with the appointed Workshop Chairperson(s), as indicated.   Shall preside at meetings in the absence of the President.  Where more than one Vice President is present, the resident VP shall chair the meeting. Otherwise a coin flip or mutual consent shall determine.  Shall perform such duties as the President directs.
C. The Executive Committee, in cooperation with SSA, shall schedule and be responsible for all aspects of the Workshops.
D. The Treasurer shall:
1. Be empowered to receive monies owing, to bank same in the name of the Association, and to disburse funds in payment for accounts against the Association authorized by the President.
2. Render an annual report of current financial status at the Annual Meeting and supply financial statements as directed by the President.
E. The Secretary shall:
1.  Maintain an up-to-date membership list which shall include name, mailing        address, and type of membership, of current members.  SSA membership status shall be indicated.
2. Handle all correspondence of the Association relating to membership, billings and other matters as directed by the President.

ARTICLE VII – The Executive Committee
A. The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer. 
B. The Executive Committee shall have charge of the working interests of the Association, shall examine all accounts of the Association and shall perform such other duties as required for the general welfare and advancement of the Association.
C. The Executive Committee can include a representative of the SSA.
D. Executive Committee meetings shall be scheduled by the President.  A majority of Executive Committee members shall constitute a quorum.  SHA members may attend Executive Committee meetings.  Meetings may be held by teleconference at the discretion of the President.

ARTICLE VIII – Meetings.
A. Meetings  shall be held each year at the site and date of the Homebuilders Workshops.  The President, in collaboration with the Executive Committee, schedules the meetings. 
B. A winter meeting shall be held whenever possible in conjunction with the Convention of the Soaring Society of America.
C. One third of the membership (either present or voting by proxy) shall constitute a quorum for transaction of business at any meeting.

ARTICLE IX – Publications.
A. The Association shall endeavor to publish a Newsletter six times a year.
B. The Association shall endeavor to publish an Annual Log listing all Association members, historical records, awards and matters of continuing interest or other appropriate material.
C. The Editor of the Newsletter:
1. Shall be appointed by the President of the Association
2. Shall be totally responsible for the publication and content of the Newsletter.
3. May exchange Newsletters with other appropriate groups.
4. Shall in conjunction with the President, prepare and distribute the Annual Log.

ARTICLE X – Amendments
A. These By-Laws shall not be amended, altered, or repealed, unless such amendment is submitted in writing to the Executive Committee at least sixty days prior to the voting ballot issue of the Newsletter and shall be included with the ballot.  A two thirds majority of votes cast shall be required for passage of such an amendment.   The results of any amendment balloting shall be published in the Newsletter.

Revised 12/31/02 jha
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